[CTC] Wal-Mart, CEOs Push for Passage of Korea FTA

Citizens Trade Campaign trade.brigade at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 11:23:10 PDT 2010

Please have a look at this article on Huffington Post, and pass it along to

Our values as a society should be explicitly expressed in trade agreements.
> Our focus on reducing tariffs is misguided. We should use non-economic
> conditions to promote prosperity at home and abroad.

Stan Sorscher

Other articles:

Why has our middle class eroded, and what principles will get us back on
> ³Making business succeed² has become a new code word, masking decisions that
> leave workers and communities behind.
Economists study ³market failure.² We should consider a new mechanism for
market failure, group-think, in addition to the standard mechanisms.
Group-think played a major role in the housing and financial crisis,
overlapping with the other standard mechanisms of market failure.
> ³It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends
> upon his not understanding it!"

Our trade policy is directly connected to the erosion of the middle class.
We will need a new trade policy if we expect to make any progress in
restoring shared prosperity.
> For some reason, when we design rules for global commerce, we choose free
> trade policies that place highest priority on investor rights, and push the
> interests of civil society into the shadows. 

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