[CTC] Join the global #TPPkills twitterstorm!
Arthur Stamoulis
arthur at citizenstrade.org
Tue Sep 29 12:21:16 PDT 2015
Begin forwarded message:
From: Jessa Boehner <jboehner at citizen.org>
Subject: Join the global #TPPkills twitterstorm!
Date: September 29, 2015 at 2:35:27 PM EDT
Reply-To: Jessa Boehner <jboehner at citizen.org>
Dear friends –
Please join us tomorrow for a global #TPPkills twitterstorm!
Tomorrow in Atlanta, people with cancer and health activists and advocates will host a press conference outside of the TPP Ministerial talks starting at 12:00 NOON EST. They will be urging countries to stand strong against 8 year monopoly periods for biologic medicines and other provisions that harm access to lifesaving medicine.
We want to use social media to amplify their message. Please join us for a global #TPPkills twitterstorm! More information and sample tweets below – please feel free to share widely!
If you have any questions, please let me know.
WHAT: Global #TPPkills Twitterstorm
WHEN: September 30, 12:00 NOON – 1 PM US EST*
*Click here <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Global+%23TPPkills+Twitterstorm&iso=20150930T13&p1=%3A&ah=1> to find time/date by time zone. Programs like TweetDeck <https://tweetdeck.twitter.com/> and HootSuite <http://signup.hootsuite.com/pro-ent-na-english-r8/?&mkwid=sDAsRitua_dc&pcrid=44690206414&pkw=hootsuite&pmt=e&cntry=na-usa&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=hootsuite_pro_google_search_usa_english_branded_alpha&gclid=CjwKEAjw7aiwBRCPgdu70arX70wSJADK6iDDVQrnkszkzYVk2Cb2bfp5YcHMdZz-VVK5kpeKOT46aBoCku_w_wcB> allow you to schedule tweets in case time zone differences cause inconvenience. Or, tweet when you can!*
(With Videos – 6 tweets)
#TPPkills - this is a life or death issue. Find out more: https://youtu.be/0jgcj306TEg <https://youtu.be/0jgcj306TEg> and take action here: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> to #StopTPP!
#TPP would extend monopolies on medicines --> causing more unnecessary suffering & death. The #TPPkills: https://youtu.be/prZPplNJ-L0 <https://youtu.be/prZPplNJ-L0> #StopTPP
We have a msg for #TPP negotiators: Hands off our medicines! We can do better– tell your govt to #StopTPP: https://youtu.be/9zFFKzRM0ng <https://youtu.be/9zFFKzRM0ng> #TPPkills
Our lives are worth more than something that can be traded away: https://youtu.be/9zFFKzRM0ng <https://youtu.be/9zFFKzRM0ng>. #TPPkills, but together we can #StopTPP
Tell @USTR: our health & lives are not negotiable! #TPPkills: https://youtu.be/eOg27E8xMSo <https://youtu.be/eOg27E8xMSo> Take action to #StopTPP here: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/>
#Trade deals like #TPP that undermine our #health system are going to cost us: https://youtu.be/0zh2JEhWD-k <https://youtu.be/0zh2JEhWD-k> #TPPkills www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/>
(With Images – 12 tweets)
US wants 8yr monopolies on life-saving drugs in #TPP, but we won’t necessarily live that long www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> pic.twitter.com/614qXybxE9
US-led efforts could make #TPP the worst #trade deal ever w millions losing access to #AffordableMedicines #TPPkills pic.twitter.com/Jfd0NJ7f01
What do we want? #AffordableMedicines! When do we want them? NOW! #StopTPP because #TPPkills! www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> pic.twitter.com/fcC9ohMZPU
FIGHT #TPP death sentence- sign petition here bit.ly/TPPkillsPetition then tweet ur stories to @USTradeRep #TPPkills pic.twitter.com/1u6tegXInX
. at USTradeRep <mailto:. at USTradeRep> Not everyone has 8 yrs to wait for lifesaving #cancer, #HIVAIDS drugs: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> #TPPkills pic.twitter.com/YivbfeseJc
Share your stories about how #TPP would impact your #health: tweet @ExposeTPP, @USTradeRep using #TPPkills. #StopTPP pic.twitter.com/TfmEDOuRER
Experts say #TPP threatens affordable healthcare 4 millions http://bit.ly/1VRi4Jq <http://bit.ly/1VRi4Jq> #TPPkills www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> pic.twitter.com/1h7DegvcQ0
Stand strong against the #TPP death sentence – say #StopTPP because we know that #TPPkills! www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> pic.twitter.com/gIswWpzU8H
#TPP would be a DEATH sentence for many with #cancer, #HIVAIDS. Don't let it pass: bit.ly/TPPkillsPetition! #TPPkills pic.twitter.com/cbUI4aqIjx
#TPP would protect drug companies & drive up cost of meds: huff.to/1CTio4b #TPPkills bit.ly/TPPkillsPetition pic.twitter.com/FRoXVDomON
. at USTradeRep <mailto:. at USTradeRep> Don't let #TPP trade away access to medicines for MILLIONS of people: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/>. #TPPkills pic.twitter.com/hvQdeB7Wxi
Why is @POTUS making it HARDER to have access to #AffordableMedicines: http://bit.ly/1h3EBCN <http://bit.ly/1h3EBCN>?? #TPPkills #StopTPP pic.twitter.com/ofdshNEvd4
(Text Tweets – 12 tweets)
Tell @dfat @DIRECON_CHILE @MINCETUR @SE_mx: stand strong for access to affordable medicine! Learn more: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> #TPPkills
We can't wait 8 yrs! @dfat @MINCETUR @DIRECON_CHILE, stay strong against @USTradeRep #TPP Death Sentence: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> #TPPkills
Urge @DIRECON_CHILE @MINCETUR @dfat to stand strong against the #TPP Death Sentence Clause! Learn more: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> #TPPkills
#TPP is a life or death issue, @dfat @MINCETUR @DIRECON_CHILE. Say NO to the Death Sentence Clause: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> #TPPkills
No TPP death sentence! #TPPkills but @USTradeRep still wants #BigPharma to get 8-yr monopolies on life-saving drugs: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/>
Does 3+5=8? @USTradeRep doesn't think so, but that's how many years of exclusive monopolies #TPP wld give #BigPharma www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/>
US wants 8year monopolies for life-saving #cancer drugs in #TPP - but most patients can’t wait that long. Fight back: bit.ly/TPPkillsPetition
The US thinks #TPP should give 8 yr monopolies for life-saving drugs, but that would be a death sentence for patients www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/>
Know someone w/ #HIVAIDS? What if they had to wait 8 yrs for life-saving drugs? Under #TPP they may have to #TPPkills www.TPPKills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/>
Know someone w #cancer? Can they wait 8yrs for life-saving medicines? @USTradeRep thinks they can #TPPKills #StopTPP www.TPPKills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/>
Should ppl w #HIVAIDS have to wait 8yrs for lifesaving meds? Sign our petition to make sure they don’t have to: bit.ly/TPPkillsPetition #TPP
If passed, the #TPP would go on record as being the most damaging #trade deal for #PublicHealth ever: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> #TPPkills
List of Negotiator Twitter Handles
Australia: @dfat; @AndrewRobbMP
Canada: @CanadaFP; @HonEdFast
Chile: @DIRECON_CHILE; @HeraldoMunoz
Japan: @METI_JPN <https://twitter.com/meti_JPN>
Malaysia: @MITIMalaysia; @Mustapa_Mohamed
Mexico: @SE_mx; @JoseAMeadeK <https://twitter.com/JoseAMeadeK>
Singapore: @MTI_Sg
U.S.: @USTradeRep; @MikeFroman
Video Links
Manon – https://youtu.be/prZPplNJ-L0 <https://youtu.be/prZPplNJ-L0>
Benjamin – https://youtu.be/9zFFKzRM0ng <https://youtu.be/9zFFKzRM0ng>
Zahara – https://youtu.be/0jgcj306TEg <https://youtu.be/0jgcj306TEg>
Peru – https://youtu.be/eOg27E8xMSo <https://youtu.be/eOg27E8xMSo>
Nikhil - https://youtu.be/0zh2JEhWD-k <https://youtu.be/0zh2JEhWD-k>
Image Links
Child: pic.twitter.com/Jfd0NJ7f01
EKG Line: pic.twitter.com/YivbfeseJc
Hands, hospital covers: pic.twitter.com/ofdshNEvd4
Holding Hands: pic.twitter.com/hvQdeB7Wxi
Hospital 1: pic.twitter.com/614qXybxE9
Hospital 2: pic.twitter.com/1h7DegvcQ0
Monitor: pic.twitter.com/cbUI4aqIjx
Oxygen Mask: pic.twitter.com/TfmEDOuRER
Pill bottle: pic.twitter.com/FRoXVDomON
Rod of Asclepius: pic.twitter.com/gIswWpzU8H
Sickly Hand: pic.twitter.com/fcC9ohMZPU
Surgical mask: pic.twitter.com/1u6tegXInX
From: Melinda St. Louis [mailto:mstlouis at citizen.org]
Sent: Thursday, September 24, 2015 11:07 AM
To: tpp-allies
Subject: [tpp-allies] Please help push new website TPPKills.org in next few days - highlights biologics issues from patients' perspective
Dear friends,
Given that the monopoly periods for biologic medicines was one of the key sticking points at the Maui ministerial, and we know that the other countries that have been standing up to USTR are under extreme pressure to cave to make a deal in Atlanta, we want to make a major push on social media to shame USTR and encourage the other countries to stand strong against 8 years of monopoly protection. One person currently in cancer treatment dubbed it the TPP “death sentence clause”, which we think is a powerful message to be pushing out.
So, a new website www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> has been launched that features videos from patients and a petition and has preloaded tweets for each video. Many, many thanks to the activists who have provided their videos and stories. I think it is really powerful.
In order for this to help to build pressure so that TPP negotiators know that the world is watching, we want to use this to get this into the twittersphere and to different communities – particularly patients’ groups and others in the public health community in all TPP countries.
We’ve included the twitter handles for the Ministries of Trade for the TPP countries we could dig up, if you want to tailor a message specific to any of them. We have included some of them in these draft tweets below that can be used.
Please let us know your plans for pushing this out today and in the next 6 days! We will be organizing a specific twitter storm on September 30 as well and will send details later.
If you would like draft action alert language to send to lists, I am pasting a note from Zahara, an activist who is currently in cancer treatment and who plans to travel to Atlanta to bring the message from patients and survivors. Feel free to use it or pull from it.
Draft tweets:
We can't wait 8 yrs! @USTradeRep Drop the #TPP Death Sentence Clause: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> #TPPkills
Tell @dfat @DIRECON_CHILE @MINCETUR @SE_mx: stand strong for access to affordable medicine! Learn more: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> #TPPkills
We can't wait 8 yrs! @dfat @MINCETUR @DIRECON_CHILE, stay strong against @USTradeRep #TPP Death Sentence: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> #TPPkills
Urge @DIRECON_CHILE @MINCETUR @dfat to stand strong against the #TPP Death Sentence Clause! Learn more: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> #TPPkills
#TPP is a life or death issue, @dfat @MINCETUR @DIRECON_CHILE. Say NO to the Death Sentence Clause: www.TPPkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> #TPPkills
Twitter handles: (we will add more specific ones in coming days)
Australia: @dfat; @AndrewRobbMP
Canada: @CanadaFP; @HonEdFast
Chile: @DIRECON_CHILE; @HeraldoMunoz
Japan: @METI_JPN <https://twitter.com/meti_JPN>
Malaysia: @MITIMalaysia; @Mustapa_Mohamed
Mexico: @SE_mx; @JoseAMeadeK <https://twitter.com/JoseAMeadeK>
Singapore: @MTI_Sg
U.S.: @USTradeRep; @MikeFroman
Zahara’s Action Alert
My name is Zahara Heckscher and I like to call myself a “cancer thriver.” I was diagnosed with cancer seven years ago. Although I am still in treatment, I have maintained a positive attitude and active lifestyle thanks in part to biologic drugs such as trastuzumab (marketed as Herceptin). These medicines have extended my life and they allow me to thrive and be there for years for my son — who just turned 10 this summer.
I have become involved in the fight against the TPP because, if passed, it could threaten access to these life-saving drugs. Please go to www.tppkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> to learn more and take action.
Biologic medicines such as trastuzumab have extended the lives of women like me with breast cancer by years and have saved thousands of lives. Additional biologic medicines in the research pipeline offer hope to people with this type of cancer and others.
The large pharmaceutical companies are trying to influence the TPP deal so they can have long-term monopolies on these medicines and make more money. They seek a delay of at least eight years before allowing generics or biosimilars. That way they can charge up to hundreds of thousands per year by denying less expensive alternatives that could save lives.
We are calling this proposal the "death sentence clause" because it would sentence tens of thousands of people to unnecessary suffering and early death.
We need to act now to prevent the "death sentence clause” in the TPP, because we have just heard that the trade ministers of the 12 TPP countries will meet in Atlanta starting September 26 to try to conclude the talks, and the monopoly periods for these biologic drugs will be one of just a handful of issues that will decide the fate of the TPP.
I plan to go to Atlanta to try to meet these trade ministers face to face — to ensure that women in the U.S. and around the world have access to the kind of biologic treatments that have extended my life. I want to bring your name with me, so please go to www.tppkills.org <http://www.tppkills.org/> to add your name.
Zahara Heckscher, Cancer Thriver, Writer and Activist
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