[CTC] Fwd: Farmworkers under attack in Peru (Peru FTA Related)

Adam Weissman adam at tradejustice.net
Tue Apr 5 08:14:10 PDT 2016

How are we supposed to trust TPP to defend labor rights when US trade 
agreements already in effect are failing so badly?

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: 	Farmworkers under attack in Peru
Date: 	Tue, 5 Apr 2016 04:42:22 -0500 (CDT)
From: 	Caitrin McKee, International Labor Rights Forum 
<laborrights at ilrf.org>
Reply-To: 	Caitrin McKee, International Labor Rights Forum 
<laborrights at ilrf.org>
To: 	Adam Weissman <adam at tradejustice.net>


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    *Take Action*

Dear Adam Weissman,

How much do you love the slightly sweet, slightly tart flavor of a fresh 
blueberry? You’re not alone. The growing popularity of this so-called 
“superfood” has been boosted by U.S. trade agreements with Chile and 
Peru, whose exports to the U.S. help make blueberries available in 
stores year-round.

U.S. consumers bought *nearly $20 million worth of blueberries from 
Peru* last year. One company, Tal S.A., produced almost half of those 
berries, and we’re writing to alert you to *labor abuses in the fields 
where they’re grown*.

*Tal S.A. recently filed criminal charges* *against nine of its workers 
*for publicizing rights violations and engaging in legitimate union 
activities. These workers had been leading the fight for better working 
conditions as part of the trade union, SITETSA. But instead of agreeing 
to negotiate with workers on a new collective bargaining agreement, *Tal 
S.A. fired the union’s entire executive committee*.

*Please act now to help the workers get their jobs back*! 

*Anti-union retaliation is common* in Peru’s agricultural sector. In 
March, a U.S. Department of Labor report confirmed as much in response 
to a trade complaint filed by ILRF and Peruvian unions under the 2009 
U.S.-Peru Trade Promotion Agreement (PTPA). ILRF is pushing the U.S. 
government to enforce the PTPA’s labor standards, but that’s likely to 
be a long, slow process.

*The SITETSA workers need your support /now/ 

Our partner organization, the agricultural trade union federation 
COLSIBA, is asking us to join with the Make Fruit Fair campaign to 
mobilize *international pressure on TALSA’s management* to re-hire the 
workers, withdraw the criminal charges against them, and sit down to 
negotiate a new contract with the union.

The link between your breakfast menu and companies' profits means that 
*your voice can help amplify the voices of workers* whose labor makes it 
possible for you to enjoy those blueberry pancakes, muffins, or yogurt 
for Sunday brunch.

*Show your gratitude for the work they do by taking action here to 
support their struggle!* 

In solidarity,

Caitrin McKee
Stephen Coats Memorial Fellow
U.S. Labor Education in the Americas Project
International Labor Rights Forum

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