[CTC] [New on HuffPost] Renegotiating NAFTA Would Be a Lot Easier If We Knew What We Wanted

Stan Sorscher stans at speea.org
Tue Sep 5 14:37:56 PDT 2017

Stan Sorscher <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/stan-sorscher> posted Renegotiating NAFTA Would Be a Lot Easier If We Knew What We Wanted <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/59a9a1e4e4b0bef3378cd843>
A growing number of economists and policy-makers recognize that our free trade neoliberal approach is exhausted, politically unstable, and increasingly reckless.

In 2016, voters answered two simple questions,

“Who gets the gains from trade?” Not us.
“Who do you trust?” Not any politician who told us what a great idea NAFTA would be.

Read more:
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/59a9a1e4e4b0bef3378cd843 <http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/59a9a1e4e4b0bef3378cd843>

Please share with others.

Stan Sorscher
stans at speea.org <mailto:stans at speea.org>
206 255 4393

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